If you have a recommendation not on this list, please email me so I can consider adding it.















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An organization targeted at shifting the narrative of who experiences sexual violence and promoting awareness that men are often victims of sexual assault and sexual abuse. The website offers numerous resources including an online support group facilitated by a counselor.

A Call to Men
A “violence prevention organization and respected leader on issues of manhood, male socialization and its intersection with violence, and preventing violence against all women and girls” that “educates men all over the world on healthy, respectful manhood” including conversations on preventing sexual violence.

Does Your Parter Blame It On You?
by The Network/LA Red
This brochure outlines some specific tactics that an abuser may use against their trans or genderqueer partner.

Helping Survivors
Helping Survivors is part of a growing movement of concerned citizens, survivors, and professionals working to ensure the right of every person to build a life free from the devastating consequences of sexual assault and abuse.

Know Your Rights: Survivors of Violence - National Center for Transgender Equality
Despite its name, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) supports help for all survivors of intimate partner violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking—and since 2013, VAWA prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in providing help. You have the right to access help as a survivor regardless of your gender, transgender status or gender expression. 

Know Your Rights! Trans Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
This fact sheet outlines trans survivors’ rights under VAWA.

Let's Talk About It! A Transgender Survivor's Guide to Accessing Therapy
While many transgender people see individual therapists, choosing and working with a therapist can be more complex for the half of transgender people who are also sexual assault survivors. This 107-page guide addresses many of the specific questions trans survivors ask: how to decide if therapy is right for you and, if it is, how to choose the best type of therapy for you, and how to find referrals and choose a therapist. The guide also discusses trans-specific survivor issues such as dealing with Standards of Care issues; addressing shame and body image/dysphoria issues; and navigating sex-segregated services.

Male Survivor
An organization that promotes awareness of men experiencing sexual violence and provides resources for learning more about the experiences of male survivors and therapist referrals.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center
This is a national organization on the frontlines organizing information and sharing research on sexual violence.

Rape Abuse and Incest National Network
RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline and related resources (800.656.HOPE, y It also provides information in English and Spanish.

Safety Planning: A Guide for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals who are Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence
This guide provides an overview of intimate partner violence and safety planning for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, including step-by-step information on laying the groundwork, staying safe at home, packing an emergency bag, financial planning, safe havens, staying safe in a new home, job and public safety, orders of protection, protecting children and pets, and emotional support.

Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self Help Guide to Healing and Understanding
This guide is written for trans survivors of sexual violence. Sections include: trauma and its aftermaths, transgender survivors of sexual assault, options for healing, and self-help techniques.